Artwork ZBrush MetaHuman A metahuman generated from Mesh to Metahuman. Originally sculpted in ZBrush, this was originally a relatively quick likeness sculpture.
Fun with Tech Art Fun with Tech Art – Pt. 2 We've been cruel to our characters. Now, let's give them the world's softest carpet.
Fun with Tech Art Fun with Tech Art – Pt. 4 In this post, we create a world transition shader for Nanite using sphere masks in Unreal Engine 5
Fun with Tech Art Fun with Tech Art – Pt. 1 Join me as I create some tech art in Unreal. In this post, we look at shader that lets us submerge, or dunk, our characters into water.
Unreal Engine Previous Lumen Mirror Reflections on Pascal An older example of Lumen in Unreal 5.0 showing some of Lumen's limitations in Software mode. Updates to Lumen has improved this considerably.
Artwork LiveLink Facecap to Maya This post covers how to get LiveLink data from Unreal Engine into Maya
Artwork Incense Tech Art A quick demonstration of blending panning textures applied to a small object. This scene is rendered in Unreal Engine 4 using a dynamic light to cast shadows. Unreal Engine 5 should improve this scene, albeit marginally. Lumen supports emissive GI, which should improve the subtle lighting between the incense sticks.
Artwork Unreal Engine 5 – Nanite and Water Nanite in Unreal Engine 5 enables far greater geometry density. When using this awesome technology for floor geometry, some of the older techniques for achieving visual effects no longer work. A prime example of this is the use of water puddle shaders. When using normals to fake geometry, layering puddles